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Sizzix Paper Sculpting Kit

Sizzix Paper Sculpting Kit

Age Band: 18+
In Stock
Our Price: £29.49
Sizzix Paper Sculpting Kit


The Sizzix Paper Sculpting Kit contains a fine detail tool and fine detail moulding pad to add delicate detail to creations. There are also four different sized ball end stylus tools, perfect with the moulding pad for creating definition and unique 3D flower petals, plus the quilling tool is vital for adding intricate embellishments. The kit also contains scissors and precision tweezers making it a must-have accessory for all papercraft projects.


  • Stylus 10mm/Quilling Tool
  • Stylus Tool 5mm/8mm
  • Fine Detail Tool 1mm/2mm
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Moulding Pad
  • Detail Moulding Pad

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