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Sizzix Cutting Pads, Standard

Sizzix Cutting Pads, Standard

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Our Price: £11.99


This pair of Cutting Pads was specially designed for use in the Sizzix BIGkick, Big Shot and Vagabond machines. Constructed of high-quality polycarbonate plastic, these see-through Cutting Pads allow for easy die-cutting of Sizzix steel-rule dies (Bigz, Movers & Shapers, Originals and ScoreBoards) in these machines.

Simply sandwich the die and material to be cut between the Cutting Pads and roll through the machine. A Premium Crease Pad may be needed in place of one Cutting Pad when die-cutting Sizzix steel-rule dies containing crease rule.

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Sizzix Cutting Pads, Standard
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