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DecoArt Americana 18 x 6 Inches Stencil - Kaleidoscope Border

DecoArt Americana 18 x 6 Inches Stencil - Kaleidoscope Border

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Our Price: £7.99
DecoArt Americana 18 x 6 Inches Stencil - Kaleidoscope Border DecoArt Americana 18 x 6 Inches Stencil - Kaleidoscope Border


DecoArt Americana 18 x 6 inch Stencil Kaleidoscope Border is a laser cut stencil ideal for larger scale projects such as furniture makeovers and other home decor projects.

Can be used with any paint or texture product. Stencils lie flat and are durable enough for repeated use. Will not warp or become hard to use. Wash with warm soapy water or a brush cleaner after use to prevent paint build-up.

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